Telegram App Users

This group is for Naturists/ Nudists who are using Telegram app or Willing to chat on this App. Telegram is similar app to Whatsapp but much more secure than whatsapp. It doesn't disclose your contact number, you can connect with other users by using your username too. It offers unlimited media share and supports large size file sharing. Join Telegram group :

Hi all, I'm a 47yo male interested in bonding 1-on-1 non-sexually with other males (something I haven't experienced very much). I'm gay myself but prefer chatting with straight men since takes the sexual aspect out of the interaction...also I'm partnered so it helps to keep some boundaries there too.

I don't have pics here for privacy reasons and don't show my face online, but I'm totally fine with showing my full nude body on video if any straight guys would be interested in chatting, sharing and comparing. (I'm also fine with just messaging, no video.) I'm axbc76 on telegram - feel free to find me on there if any of this catches your attention, especially if you're around my age or younger and aren't afraid of body hair (yours or mine!).

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RE:Male bonding?

Tried messaging you. Pls add @akstan86

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