Telegram App Users
This group is for Naturists/ Nudists who are using Telegram app or Willing to chat on this App. Telegram is similar app to Whatsapp but much more secure than whatsapp. It doesn't disclose your contact number, you can connect with other users by using your username too. It offers unlimited media share and supports large size file sharing. Join Telegram group :
Feel free to add me on Telegram @blueeagle787
Hello guys. Feel free to add me. I try to chat as often as I can on there. @tazmanaf
A group for young nudist 30 years and under. Send telegram info or message me @Antatx. Must be under 30!
Hello. I'm Gary a slim guy based in Manchester. I would love to chat with and hopefully meet fellow naturists. I'm a very laid back and chilled out man. My Telegram is @Beach_Bum909 Please feel free to message x
Looking for nude male friends, UK or abroad. Willscott1973 on telegram
Im Gonzalo 24 nudist from Spain looking for telegram friends im @gonaxxi
Add me on your telegram for swapping pics n videos. Happy to take video calls also when horny & naked in bed Telegram: @irisheyez