Testicles As a totally heterosexual guy, I am a great admirer and lover of the female body every nook and cranny [maybe that should read fanny] of it, with maybe if I was pushed breasts being my first choice, though all parts come a very close second. Given that I am heterosexual I would have to say that the male body does nothing for me indeed, including myself, I do not think the male body is...

Pulling on testicles

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I like to have mine tugged and pulled on. I find it erotic. In my alone time, I try different ways to pull them. The easiest way is to use a belt, tools, vacuum cleaner and other things.

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RE:Pulling on testicles

Should try ball weights! The screw on ones specifically. They feel amazing.

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RE:Pulling on testicles

I pull on mine all the time when I'm relaxing. The metal weights/rings too (I posted a pic in this group).

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RE:Pulling on testicles

I learned recently from my Gf how good a serious tug can feel. I really enjoy it and want to do more.

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