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Bare As You Dare Cross Country 5K Oct. 6, near Dallas, TX, USA

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Hi folks, If you enjoy a day in the sun naked then consider coming to the Bare As You Dare Cross Country 5K on October 6th at Bluebonnet Nudist Resort. This is an annual event on a 44 acre private nudist resort near Decatur, in north Texas and was attended by several hundred people last year. It's a lot of fun and is basically a naked weekend party. Many people walk the course instead of running it and some of us just raise our cocktail glasses to cheer on the nude masses as they trot by! There are cookouts, potluck dinners and nude dances as well as a nude Hash (a nude beer drinking event!), swimming and more.Go to www.Bluebonnetnudistpark.com/bayd for complete info and registration or feel free to contact me. Kevin

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  • 12 years ago