The Body-Perfect? Not Us!
This group was created by Will Goulden who was born without genitals and nevertheless he was an enthusiastic nudist. He said: This group is for those who are comfortable about their bodies in their surroundings, not in a mirror! - Truenudists is a fantastic site with a friendly chatroom crowd, thanks to teamtrue1's efforts. - However the TN members are letting themselves down. A sample...
Un-fitness fanatics
Return to DiscussionsThere are some groups which dwell on fitness and keeping the body in trim. But hopefully not this one! My weight lifting comprises raising a pint of beer to my lips. And if I'm going streaking I do it at a leisurely pace - none of this running!
So let's just enjoy our nude life. We only have one life. Why care if others think we're flabby, fat, unfit, wrinkly.... The great thing about us (real)nudists is we come in all shapes and sizes confident in our own skins.
- 6 years ago
I hear you Olly. I'm not trying to stay fit for other peoples opinions. Just for longevity. I just feel better when I've done a little work out or the yoga I do 3 times a week to keep me stretched. I would like to lose a little of this belly which is just for me. My wife says "Who Cares"? And i like my wine, snacks and chocolate at night. CHEERS!
- 6 years ago
We own a gardening company and thats all the exercise we are ever going to get !!! 7 days a week for the last 12 years and counting
- 6 years ago
I have never really been a fan of exercise or physical fitness. The media has created a monster with the constant push for the "perfect body". The "perfect body" which fits the ideals of these "fitness gurus" and "fitness experts" does not exist nor can it exist.
There are plenty of people who look physically fit on the outside who have bodies which are a complete mess on the inside...high cholesterol, heart disease, etc...and just as many people who look physically unfit on the outside whose bodies are healthy on the inside...normal cholesterol, normal blood pressure, etc. (I fall into that latter group.)
I am overweight, so what? Am I trying to lose weight? Yes but I am doing so for me and not because some "expert" is telling me to.
Much of our true health is tied to our genetics, not our physical activity or food intake. Yes, physical activity and what foods you eat can help but they do not necessarily and directly contribute to longevity of life.
What does contribute to a longer, healthier, and happier life is attitude. Keeping and maintaining a positive attitude about yourself and your life will lead to a healthier and happier life.
So, do what makes you happy and stay positive!
- 6 years ago