The Older Nudist 60+
A group for those of us that are over a certain age and would like to interact with each other. Both seses are welcome
Things begin to sag when we get older
Return to DiscussionsHome nudist here, and yes, gravity has become a bit of a problem for me, too, but after 65 years I suppose its about time :P Consequently, I simply try to stay as healthy and fit as possible so that I don't avoid looking in the mirror...
I once heard somewhere that the older the violin the sweeter the music it produces. And as my mother and my art teacher from high school have always told me that as a painting or tapestry or any form of work of art ages it becomes more stunning and appearance and value. And Lord knows I don't against what my mother says lol volunteer serious note beauty is in the eye of the beholder me personally I prefer to see everybody nude because everybody's unique. Everyone worries about birthmarks or stretch marks or scars or maybe your ears are a little lopsided or something to that extent I think that's part of the beauty and bearing all and going nude and it lets people see you for who you really are and the real you there's nothing cloaking anything or hiding anything it's the genuine you the way you were created and the way you were meant to be and that is definitely a beauty worth looking at. Nudity in itself is an art form and so many ways and we never even think about it.
Still a home nudist but as we get older things begin to sag and tend to visit the beach less often so good to belong to a group who all have the same problem lolIs there anyone else who feels the same way?
You don't have anything to be ashamed of miss Iris. I think you would look stunning on the beach if I may say so without offense. I would be more ashamed myself at a beach currently due to medical issue then anyone that has some slight wear and tear due to age should be. Nudity is an art form in itself and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You're a pretty woman and I hope that doesn't offend by me saying that I mean it respectfully and genuinely and I hope that doesn't step on your husband's toes either if it does I'm an offense by it and you have my sincere apology if that would be the case hope this comment finds you well and encourages you to go to the beach and soak up the sun or the moonlight every chance you get.