Post #2Joachim_1957Topless"Full nakedness! All joys are due to thee; As souls unbodied, bodies unclothed must be To... RE: What do you do in theatre?I have done a little bit of acting in amateur theater, but mainly I write plays and operas and compose music for operas and incidental music for plays.
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Post #3BarefootBillUndies OnlyBarefoot Bill Pacer God created me nude; if that is good enough for Him, then it's good enough... RE: What do you do in theatre?I am an actor and writer. Have been in numerous stage plays and films. Many years ago, I was a techie and drifted away.
About 10 years ago, as I attempted to deal with divorce, I returned to my thespian desires and realized I preferred to be in front of the footlights instead of putting gels on them.
I was involved with community theatre extensively until about 3 years when I took the plunge into professional theatre and film.
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RE: What do you do in theatre?I am a director-librettist-lyricist-dramaturg-acting teacher and producer with a small 501(c)3 non-profit resident company in New York City.
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RE: What do you do in theatre?I'm involved in a small town community theatre group. I direct, act, do tech, stage manager...... you name it. We all have to do double duty sometimes.
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RE: actor in SFI used to be assistant director back in high school, but haven't done anything with theatre except to go to occasional plays/musicals. Have thought of returning to theatre at some point....maybe when I'm retired! :)
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Post #7JusticeRCABarefootTake care and stay bare - A bientot! Rick what I didI have acted, sung and danced in local community, college and regional theatre
Perforned in A Chorus Line on Broadway as Al (his wife could not sing)
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Post #8ollygrumpsUltra NudistOlly (happy to be unwrapped) RE: what I didI'm stage manager and set designer/creator. At the moment we are working towards 3 performances of Cindarella at the end of January. The gold coach is made. It does not look a bit like a pumpkin but she will be able to go to the ball in it.
We did it at the end of January to 3 sell-out audiences. Anyone want a used coach, low milage?

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Post #9ollygrumpsUltra NudistOlly (happy to be unwrapped) RE: What do you do in theatre?I'm now designing the sets for Aladdin, which I shall then create with the help of my friends. I'll be stage manager again when it is performed late in January.
Last week I helped out with Calendar Girls, when it was performed here (see a seperate string). After the performance the female cast suggested (to the men) that the next production should be The Full Monty. In a light hearted way I was asked if I would take part. I don't mind taking my kit off but I'm hopeless at remembering lines. Pity.
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Post #10ollygrumpsUltra NudistOlly (happy to be unwrapped) RE: What do you do in theatre?I'm set creator and stage manager again as we are putting on Aladdin. Our first night went well, last night. We have 4 performances altogether, all to capacity asudiences.
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Post #11ollygrumpsUltra NudistOlly (happy to be unwrapped) RE: What do you do in theatre?I'm set creator and stage manager again as we are putting on Aladdin. Our first night went well, last night. We have 4 performances altogether, all to capacity asudiences.
Allfour performanceswent well, each to a packed audience despite the snow. They laughed, jeered and responded in all the right places. Now I can relax again.

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