Those Who Appreciate Mature Women

This group is for those who appeciate the wisdom and beauty of mature women.

I have a story for you all,,,
In November of 1996 I met the woman who I would eventually call my wife. It was the last dance of the evening and she asked me to dance. I said sure after all she was pretty hot. So after the dance I gave her my card thinking I'm never gona here from her again. I was pleasantly surprised when the phone rand 2 weeks latter and it was her. We went out on a datethen decided to stay together thru the holidays and spend them together. Keep in mind I was 30 at the time and really liked this woman. So as things progressed we continued to stay together and was staying over by her house so much decided to move in. I knew she was older then me cause had a son 10 years younger then me and 2 grand children but she would not tell me how old she was. I finally months latter figured it out with a alarm code that I've been punching in all this time that she was 22 years older then me so she was 52 when we met. I think we where together 13 months when I asked her to marry me. After a long 8 year engagement finally the day arrived. Last February we celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary and today I am 58 and she is 80 and I still couldn't be happier and wouldn't change any thing and just can't imagine life with out her. For got to mention 20 years ago she had her 3rd grand child. Thanks for reading

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RE:Older women

Phone was slow and hit save 3 times and now can't delete the other 2

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RE:Older women

Phone was slow and hit save 3 times and now can't delete the other 2

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