TN Needs Moderators 2

With the banning of neko,i figured i should make a new group so that we can keep fighting the fight... I dedicate this group to her for standing up to the pervs and the like on this site. Join us and stand up for what's right!

New Need for Moderation

The fact this has been going on for 3months will alarm many PLEASE flag all you can.

Very happy

We are very happy to be back and see that things have perked up around here. :)

Organised Opposition.

It would seem that we now have organised opposition to the clean up" campaign, in the form of the group, "TN Picture Preservation" I'm sure we all appreciate, that as "true nudists" we are, and will always be, in the...

Latest Post
If you're certified, please take a minute

If you're certified, please take a minute to go here and do your bit to keep TN clean. Another day, another flagging (2) Unlike the group forums, this thread is in the certified forum, and therefore appears on the main forum list. This means...


Should we not be congratulating snugglebunny on becoming moderator? I think we should, she is one of us. CONGRATULATIONS.

TT1 Clean up

TT1 clean up Chat moderators wanted! Any takers?

I need to know...

If i get banned or something,Is anyone going to help keep this group/movement alive?

Who's out, Who's not in - and why.

There are some who try to join and some who do not pass the rules here. This is the place they will be named and the reason given why they are not compatible with this group. All members would do well to check their friends list - you never know who...