TN Needs Moderators 2

With the banning of neko,i figured i should make a new group so that we can keep fighting the fight... I dedicate this group to her for standing up to the pervs and the like on this site. Join us and stand up for what's right!

Has this group run its course?

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Just wondering.

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RE: yes

Catbird would you mind me asking why you consider it futile? This and other forums are where we can discuss and make a diference, if as I suspect, TT1 keeps an eye on us. We police our own on this site and as such if we fail to do so we do ourselves a great injustice.

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RE: yes

Catbird would you mind me asking why you consider it futile? This and other forums are where we can discuss and make a diference, if as I suspect, TT1 keeps an eye on us. We police our own on this site and as such if we fail to do so we do ourselves a great injustice.

What you post is the way it should be. It is suspected that TT! is closed minded to the idea of moderators, hence that is where it is futile. This is a one man managed site, and he is stretched thin.

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RE: yes

Hi Catbird, yes I agree TT1 does not see any reason for moderators here, that is not to say he does not have some to help him. I suspect there are members here who do have contact with him.
Either way I would prefer to help by bringing ideas to forums where he is able to read and judge the benefits of the posts.

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I have looked at the members here and 8 of the 22 have added to topics here.
This is way! in advance of most other groups where the average is nearer to 1 in 8or10!!
Come on has the cat got your tongue?

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