TN Needs Moderators 2

With the banning of neko,i figured i should make a new group so that we can keep fighting the fight... I dedicate this group to her for standing up to the pervs and the like on this site. Join us and stand up for what's right!

Has this group run its course?

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Just wondering.

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RE: Has this group run its course?

i hope not..we need to get more people to join the whatever it takes to get more people.

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i believe it has seeing as it really isn't doing anything, kinda like a teaparty event for libertarians or the green party.

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RE: yes

That's the danger with most groups here. Eventually, people stop writing, and the others stop checking in. That's the general nature of groups here. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's like that on other sites, too?

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you think i should just close the group and be done with it?

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Has TT1 heard the message? Or is TT1 turning a deaf ear to the message?

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Has TT1 heard the message? Or is TT1 turning a deaf ear to the message?

i think it's the 2nd one.

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RE: yes

Not at all - We have though not used this forum to sugest ways that TT could improve the site with constructive ideas, the onus on constructive.

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I'm NOT saying we should close the group. I'm just wondering what it will take to shake it up a bit and bring it out of its coma.

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More interested people, as usual there are few of us willing to post.

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A feeling of futility has us not posting.

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