TN Needs Moderators 2

With the banning of neko,i figured i should make a new group so that we can keep fighting the fight... I dedicate this group to her for standing up to the pervs and the like on this site. Join us and stand up for what's right!

who besides neko was moderator in the other group? and where's all the people who joined the first one?

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RE: remind me..

Ace was one moderator. I think some people are afraid to join this group, after what happened to the original group.

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RE: remind me..

hmm..i think we need to let them know it was closed because of neko's actions towards others in chat,not the group's.

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RE: remind me..

Could it be that like myself most joined to 'silently' voice our opinion that certain things need clearing out in a site like this? I join most ofwhat I see as pressure groups in order to keep the site clean - but I see no point whatsoever in pushing for too rapid a change. We stand here and can be counted that should be enough and if you look around the groups there would appear to be far less sex orientation than a few weeks ago.

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RE: remind me..

You may be right. Often these groups are created as a reaction to a problem, and people join because they want to react as well. If the problem seems to go away, people feel less concerned anddon't get involved as much.

I'd be happy if the problem was solved. But I think it's just a lull, a calm before the next storm. I'd be happy if the lull could be a long one, though.

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RE: remind me..

hmm..i think we need to let them know it was closed because of neko's actions towards others in chat,not the group's.

I think you are right. Flaming in chat got Neko banned. Then the original group was deleted, and that gave the impression that Neko was banned because of the group. But the original group requested that we flood TT1's mailbox, which was a mistake. That would pee off TT1.

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RE: remind me..

You may be right. Often these groups are created as a reaction to a problem, and people join because they want to react as well. If the problem seems to go away, people feel less concerned anddon't get involved as much. I'd be happy if the problem was solved. But I think it's just a lull, a calm before the next storm. I'd be happy if the lull could be a long one, though.
Gerry it apears all that has happened with the problemis a cleaning of house and for some none to soon but these things will return it's a natural cycle.

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RE: remind me..

hmm..i think we need to let them know it was closed because of neko's actions towards others in chat,not the group's.
I think you are right. Flaming in chat got Neko banned. Then the original group was deleted, and that gave the impression that Neko was banned because of the group. But the original group requested that we flood TT1's mailbox, which was a mistake. That would pee off TT1.
Well said. I trust others will take note.

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