
For those of us who are Toastmasters and just would LOVE the chance and opportunity to attend or create a Nude Toastmasters Club

I had the pleasure of chairing a mock speaking contest at our recent TLI meeting. One speech was given, but the three expert judges, who usually would not reveal their reasoning -- as per contest guuidelines -- did exactly that so people could have some insight into the judging process.
Judging is not like evaluating. In an evaluation, there is feedback from the evaluator and, usually, something to grow on in his or her comments. But judges aren't supposed to discuss their judgingas this could detract them from doing their job properly. This event was therefore a rarity as we learned whatjudgeslook for and why they decide as they do. Manyquestions came from thefloor as interest was quite high.
If your area hasn't tried this yet, I highly recommend that it do.

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