Todays Nude Joke

Everyone needs a good laugh to get through your day. Please share your Jokes, Fun stories, Fun Pictures, and what ever makes you smile

Quote of the day

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I learn from the mistakes of others.......................who took my advice.

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RE:Quote of the day

Not to get technical... but according to chemistry... alcohol is a solution!

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RE:Quote of the day

Alcohol won't solve your problems..... Then again, neither will milk.

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RE:Quote of the day

I have to stop saying "How stupid can you be"....Some people are starting to take it as a challenge!

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RE:Quote of the day

Mirrors don't lie and lucky for you they don't laugh.

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RE:Quote of the day

Young enough to know that I can. Old enough to know that I shouldn't. Stupid enough to do it anyway.

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RE:Quote of the day

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.

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RE:Quote of the day

Some things are better left unsaid, but I drink, so I'll probably say them anyway.

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RE:Quote of the day

I've reached that age where my brain goes from, " you probably shouldn't say that" to "what the hell let's see what happens".

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RE:Quote of the day

When a woman says "What?" it's not because she didn't hear you. She's giving you a chance to change what you said.

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RE:Quote of the day

if you have friends that are as weird as you...... then you have everything.

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