Todays Nude Joke

Everyone needs a good laugh to get through your day. Please share your Jokes, Fun stories, Fun Pictures, and what ever makes you smile

Quote of the day

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I learn from the mistakes of others.......................who took my advice.

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RE:Quote of the day

In my Defense....l was left Unsupervised!!!

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RE:Quote of the day

I'm in a good place right now....not emotionally...its just that l'm at the liquor store.

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RE:Quote of the day

Forget about the past, you can't change it. Forget about the future, you can't predict it. Forget about the present, I didn't get you one. Happy birthday!

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RE:Quote of the day

As a kid my dad convinced me that the icecream truck only played music when they were sold out. Well played, dad, well played.

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RE:Quote of the day

Don't trust a brilliant idea .....unless it survives The Hangover.

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RE:Quote of the day

This morning, I wanted to make sure that my wife woke up with a big smile on her face, how l can't have Sharpie's in the house anymore.

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RE:Quote of the day

Next time just use lip stick.

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RE:Quote of the day

Old people driving is the reason you have to look both ways when crossing a one way street.

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RE:Quote of the day

Never argue with an idiot. People watching won't be able to tell the difference.

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RE:Quote of the day

Warning!!!! my sense of humor may hurt your feelings.

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