Todays Nude Joke

Everyone needs a good laugh to get through your day. Please share your Jokes, Fun stories, Fun Pictures, and what ever makes you smile

Quote of the day

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I learn from the mistakes of others.......................who took my advice.

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RE:Quote of the day

It's hard to get a full 6 hours of sleep at night when you only have a 6 hour bladder!
Even worse with a 4 hour bladder

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RE:Quote of the day

It's hard to get a full 6 hours of sleep at night when you only have a 6 hour bladder!Even worse with a 4 hour bladder

I am down to about 3

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RE:Quote of the day

Afraid of dying alone.... become a bus driver.

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RE:Quote of the day

9 times out of 10 when I lose something... It's because I put it in a safe place.

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RE:Quote of the day

I can't believe we don't have world peace yet, after they changed the names on boxes of rice and syrup bottles.

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RE:Quote of the day

I gotta see the candy first. Then I get in the van. I'm not stupid...

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RE:Quote of the day

Man who smokes weed on toilet is high on pot...

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RE:Quote of the day

I don't think housework will kill you, but l have decided not to take the risk.

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RE:Quote of the day

Don't let anyone ruin your day..... you're an adult, do it yourself

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RE:Quote of the day

I just posted a selfie and people are telling me to get well soon

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