Tolerant Nudists

This group is for nudists who are tolerant of others who are not the same as them. For example there are some who have good reasons not to show a picture and others who want a quid-pro-quo picturewise. Some are outgoing whilst others are still finding their feet. Some are sticklers for the rules whilst others are only human. TN has lots of members and the richness is in the veriety

What do we think about erections amongst nudists? An erection is a natural phenomenon and can happen without the man having a sexual thought. I remember once gathering for a nude feast and a man, already naked, was embarrassed by getting an erection as a young woman undressed nearby. No attention was drawn to it and it subsided. Surely if an erection is ignored, or hidden, there is no harm.

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I Firmly believe that TRUE Nudism is NOT about sex, voyeurism or exhibitionism and there needs to be a clear boundary. Having said that, men should not be made to feel like pariah for getting a innocent spontaneous non-sexual erection as nature intended. Nor should he have to conceal it, as long as he's not flaunting it and MAKING it about sex. If say for example a man gets a erection playing a game of volleyball or whatever, he shouldn't be made to run away or cover it up, just continue doing whatever you're doing. Just as Nudity does not equal sex, neither do erections. If he starts playing with it or leering at people then you got a problem.

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Just as Nudity does not equal sex, neither do erections. If he starts playing with it or leering at people then you got a problem.Absolutely, it's just an erection. As long as he's not doing anything with it or making a big deal about it or putting it into people's faces, it shouldn't even matter if it is sexually induced.

If he sees something/someone that sexually excites him or he thinks about something that gives him a boner or just the sun and breeze on his skin, big deal. It's just a hard cock. But if he's bringing attention to it, or playing with it, or staring at someone, or anything along those lines, it's not the hard cock that's the problem. Leave the cock out of it, and address the actual problem.

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I agree with Mensamem, perhaps hoping behaviour may be moderated just a little more if kids are around.

I had one instance where a guy was discreetly stimulating himself just a little and looking my way as I left the water once. It may be have been an invitation, I dunno. His actions would probably be missed by anyone walking along the shore. I just put on a friendly-but-non-committal face and kept walking. There was another time of two guys taking a friendly interest in each other, but they were out of sight of the CO beach area; I just continued on. No need to do anything.

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