Tolerant Nudists

This group is for nudists who are tolerant of others who are not the same as them. For example there are some who have good reasons not to show a picture and others who want a quid-pro-quo picturewise. Some are outgoing whilst others are still finding their feet. Some are sticklers for the rules whilst others are only human. TN has lots of members and the richness is in the veriety

I like to find out a bit about someone before asking or accepting them as a friend. So a private profile of photos that are all only visable to friends can be a bit inhibiting. I also think that if I want to be able to see other naked people I should be ready to let them see me.
But I know many genuine nudists have good reason to be carefull - sensative jobs or disapproving neighbours. The textile world hasn't learnt to tell the difference between nudity and porn. So lets try to understand.
I tell everyone I'm not gay but I seam to get attention from men. So I looked up some statistics and descovered that theoverwhelming majority of members are men. So I shouldn't be surprised.
So now I could well accept friends regardless of profile or sexual orientation. It just takes a little understanding. We are all nudists after all.

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I've tried to be open with my thoughts here and open to hearing the thoughts of others. The flip side of that openness in the forum and groups is to be a little subtle about my identity including pictures. It can make things challenging given the rules for photos - most of mine are to provide context to a post, but they do sometimes disappear under the hand of moderation. I often expect them to, but if some see them in the meantime before deletion, then that's okay.

Some members may have blocked me for my views, and some groups have rules deeming me unacceptable due to my lack of photos. Sometimes I post in a 'fobidden' group (probably by replying to a friend who is a member) and get a nasty response from the owner. I try not to worry and just continue to poke around and share where I can.

If I get a friend request, I just assume they're interested enough in my input to want it in their feed. Preferably they have some bio and activity in their profile, but even if they don't, that's usually fine and anyway, we all start somewhere. I use my own feed as the first port of call when seeing what's happening. (Usually followed by the forums and then the groups, both sorted to recent activity.) A like received will probably have me looking at their profile, and if it's more than just an advertisement for a sex site, I may dive into their input. I don't always think to like back, but may respond to threads where you've commented. All good!

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