
All True Naturist (Male Or Female) Fans Who Like To Watch And Comment On The TV Series Torchwood

Any Thoughts? I'm Enjoying Torchwood.

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RE: What Next?

Hmm... another teasing tit-bit thrown in last night ("The Blessing"); what I didn't find believable was the setting of the street in Bejing (?) . It was so obviously a studio set that it shouted it aloud with no credible factor of beievability.
I suspect it was a back-lot on a Hollywood studio somewhere, decked out with a job lot of Chinese lanterns and some neon signs left over from Blade Runner.
And I thought the Chinese city more likely to be Shanghai rather than Beijing as it has far more links with the western world.

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RE: What Next?

Supposed to start 'finding things out' in the next episode.

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