Toronto Nudists

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toronto - first time visit

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hi, i'm coming to toronto for the first time. besides hanlan's beach are their any other recommendations for things to experience - food, sites, culture, nature, etc.

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RE: toronto - first time visit

It all depends on when you're coming and staying. There are some great restaurants and events that go on all summer. Always good to take one of the bus tours. I always take my friends on them when they come and then we decide what they want to go back and see more of.
No matter what, Toronto, is a great place to visit.

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RE: toronto - first time visit

Queen Street West for shopping and eating, Kensington Market, the ROM and AGO on hot days, so much to see here.

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RE: toronto - first time visit

Good choices Soup. There's also Chinatown., and the Harboufront.

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RE: toronto - first time visit

Queen Street West for shopping and eating, Kensington Market, the ROM and AGO on hot days, so much to see here.hi! thank you so much for your suggestion. please tell me what are ROM and AGO?

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RE: toronto - first time visit

Sorry, The Royal Ontario Museum and the Art Gallery of Ontario.

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RE: toronto - first time visit

After checking out your profile and given your dance background, It'd really suggest Harbourfront Centre, it has performances all summer from some of the best dance groups.

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RE: toronto - first time visit

After checking out your profile and given your dance background, It'd really suggest Harbourfront Centre, it has performances all summer from some of the best dance groups.thank you, thank you, thank you for the clarifications (LOL) and for the possibility of seeing live performances - particularly dance. i really do appreciate all of these suggestions.

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RE: toronto - first time visit

Tell us in what area you are staying and we could point you to good food near by.

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