Toronto Nudists

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Wave Pool Swim Oct 13th

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Fellow skinny dippers!
GTA Skinny Dippers will be having their next skinny dip swim at The Wave Pool in Richmond Hill this coming Saturday, Oct 13th. Everyone is welcome.
For more info please head to our web site:
Due to the fact that registration can take a while at the wave pool, I suggest you bring the forms along with you, filled out. We will have two lines, one for members and one for visitors. If you signed up for membership at the South Common Pool, your membership card should be available at this event. Please come to the "Head of the line - left side" and pick up your card, then head off to the pool.
The forms can be found on line at:
We will be there and ready to take registration upstairs in the viewing area at 7:00. The swim does not start until 7:30!
So we can manage registrations, please form two lines; members to the left, visitors to the right.
There will be prizes as usual and we will conduct this in the same manner as the last wave pool swim. All prizes will be on a table in the foyer and drawn at 8:40. Your name get's drawn and you go out and choose your prize. You will not be required to dress for this.
There will also be a 50/50 draw.
And one last item, DOORS CLOSE AT 8:30!
(If for some reason you are not able to make it by 8:30 and wish to attend the swim, then you must inform us when you will be arriving so we can let you in.)
See you ALL at the swim.
Ron Schout

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RE: Wave Pool Swim Oct 13th

It's a fun event with friendly nudists from all over Ontario, heldat a great wave pool & water slide, a guaranteed good time!... I'm definately planning on going and I hope to see all my Toronto area TN friends there.

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RE: Wave Pool Swim Oct 13th

What a shame -- I'm probably not going to be able to make it to this one. My schedule just isn't going to allow it, unfortunately. Hope to see you guys at one of the upcoming swims though!

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