Transgenders Unite
This group is for transgenders and their supporters. I have been living as a woman for 4 years now and I now feel free! I hope that I will be able to offer support and advise to other transgenders or people who feel that they were born with the wrong body
Joining As An Ally!
Return to DiscussionsHello All,
Hope everyone is doing well. I am a male. I amjoining this group to be
an ally and friend to trans people. I won't say that I've known a lot
of trans folks, but I have met a fewFTM and MTFs' in my ife time. About
25 years ago, I met and became friends with a pre-op. After some time
hadpassed, I later learned that she died fairly isolated. I think I could've
been a better friend so she wouldn't have dide so alone.I hope I am
welcome to be part of this group.
- 14 years ago
As a gay/bi man, I totally support trans rights and inclusion.
- 14 years ago
its nice to know that there is a place for us to come and chat and not be judged in anyway just because i wear a dress, i would be honoured to be included as an allie. im pretty new on here aswell so hi to everyone here, hope everyone is fine and ok. and i hope i am accepted into the group. samantha1509
- 13 years ago
I consider myself as 100% straight but I'm a great believer in accepting everyone for what they are and that includes TGs, TSs or whatever you want to call them. It pains me that they are frequently ostracized by society and I have the utmost admiration for those that enjoy the nudist lifestyle, especially in a social or public situation, at whatever stage in their transition. I include those who cross dress and those who have no intention of going the whole hog. The French and other cultures called them "The Third Sex" ... how apt. If any want me to be their friend I will accept without question. Let's make them welcome and stop talking about them as something different ... as I am now, I suppose!
- 12 years ago