Traveling Nudists

Those that are interested in traveling to new and exciting nudist destinations. Would be great as I have been traveling many destinations in Europe and would be great to network with other naturists!

next trip naked?

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Anyone planning any trips to a warm and sunny destination where they can be naked? curious to know where one can be Oktober, November, December, January should one want to take a naked vacation? ANy tips, please post here, I think we are many that would like to know! :)

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RE: next trip naked?

Well I've been in this place in south Portugal in April, July, August, November and December. It's a nudist guest house with two super nude beaches within walking distance. The intervening countryside is so quiet I've walked it naked - in December. I'm going back next April. Ask TN's ceekay123 for details (it's her guesthouse).

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RE: next trip naked?

Yes I went back several times in 2012. Then, in September the guest house owners sold up and moved to France. It was a good moov for them but a sad day for me. But I've found somewhere else no to far away and I'm going there at the beginning of March.

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