Twitter Nudist Addicts
For those of us addicted to Twitter I am vegascluberotic on there
@texasnudist Amazing. Most "nudists" on Twitter aren't really nudists. Noone ever tweets about their lifestyle.....I've blocked almost 30 followers. Be real or screw off!!
Yes I'm addicted hehe you can find/follow me there same username @homeclothesfree
Follow me if you want - @Tchort I'll follow you in return of course!
Can someone show me how to use twitter ? it seems interesting but have never even tried it .
A 39-year-old Russian-American computer programmer, stamp collector, alternate historian, Dr Who fan, fantasy hockey manager, amateur author, nudist. Just got my Twitter account two weeks ago, love it. :-) pashatardis
Dear all, if you don't mind, you can follow my twitter, and i will follow back my twitter: @yudoprathama thanks warm regards, Jojo