UK Hetero Nudists Club

UK FREE Hetero NUDIST Club. Strictly non profit making. For the discussion of all things related to Nudism. A friendly relaxed environment for straight nudists to enjoy, and make new friends. For singles & couples aged 21 - 61yrs of age. The aim is for a 50:50 ratio of males to females, in order that it is non intimidating to either sex. Come and meet the rudie-nudies, and discuss how to enhance...

I've just had to join this group to contribute my two penneth worth.
My point is : aren't you being a bit restrictive in your membership requirements? For a start, I am now your 4th male member out of 5 ('scuse the pun!) - so much for keeping the ratio at 50:50. Secondly, I am 65 whereas your age restrictions are 21 to 61. I s that too age restrictive? Now, I agree a group for heteros is attractive to the likes of me and, presumably, your other members. I too am attracting gays and, quite frankly, I'm a bit pissed off with that although I am not homophobic per se. However, being one of only 5 rather defeats the object, don't you think? When was your last meeting?

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RE: Restrictive?

You are right. I'm 68 so I'd best leave. Then there will be four of you. By the way Joblogs, the group founder and theonly "female" in the group hasn't visited the TrueNudist site for four years. So does that leave three of you? Another is Greek so does he qualify? (Anyhow he has been away for 3 months.) That leaves you and Adam.

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RE: Restrictive?

And I'm 65 so Adam can have tea with himself

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