UK Naturists/Nudists

Any one in UK who wants to get naked.

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NAG Survey of UK nudists

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NAG (Naturist Action Group) was formed several years ago by some BN members who felt that BN was being insufficiently proactive. They have since initiated several campaigns, some of which which BN has taken up, and have resulted in significant advances for naturism with the UK.
They have announced the following survey in the BN members' forum and I feel that it will be worthwhile for all members here to also participate in order to get the best possible results.

1 hour ago, Duncan.Heenan said:NAG is carrying out a survey of naturism and naturists (self defined) in the UK, in order to gather information on opinions and practices. As many people as possible are invited to take part, so please do complete the survey, and pass the word to anyone else you feel could be interested. The closing date is 31st December 2018, and the results will be made public during 2019.

Here is the link:

While the survey is far from perfect it will be a considerable help to NAG in determining their priorities.

This topic was edited 6 years ago
  • 6 years ago