United Kingdom Naturist Men
This site is for men (males 18 and over) who are naturists, or are interested in nudism. We meet for dinners, barbeques, movies, or just socialising in members homes for clothing non-optional gatherings. Members also meet through here with fellow members privately, sometimes just meeting during the day as a way to get away from your home and go to anothers for a naked visit. Singles, couples,...
Social nudity on Wirral
Return to DiscussionsA number of TN members who live in or close to the Merseyside area meet at my home in Wallasey on some Saturday evenings to enjoy social nudity. There were 7 of us last Saturday. Other TN members have told me that they would like to participate but are not available on Saturday evenings. I would be happy to host a similar event on a different evening of the week or a coffee morning or afternoon tea. Please reply to this message if you would be interested in any of those options and I will arrange something if there is sufficient support. My username is colin23.
Daytime meets have not been very successful. Although some people can take time out of work or lie to wives, they cannot all do it on the same day. The Saturday evenings are more successful. Would you be available then, by any chance? We could probably arrange a daytime meet at a time convenient for the two of us and at least one or two others would join us. Colin