United Kingdom Naturist Men

This site is for men (males 18 and over) who are naturists, or are interested in nudism. We meet for dinners, barbeques, movies, or just socialising in members homes for clothing non-optional gatherings. Members also meet through here with fellow members privately, sometimes just meeting during the day as a way to get away from your home and go to anothers for a naked visit. Singles, couples,...

hello alli am a student in glasgow and i am currently looking for models in which to use in my paintings.single and groups need. Is there anyone willing to help melooking forward to hearing from you all:)

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RE: nude models

hello alli am a student in glasgow and i am currentlylooking for models in which to use in my paintings.single andgroups need. Is there anyone willing to help melookingforward to hearing from you all:)

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RE: nude models

hello alli am a student in glasgow and i am currentlylooking for models in which to use in my paintings.single andgroups need. Is there anyone willing to help melookingforward to hearing from you all:)

Only just saw this post, gimme a shout if still looking?

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RE: nude models

Me too

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RE: nude models

Shame you so far north as posed twice for nudist artist in London area for my own pleasure only so would have been good to pose for someone elses work load....

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RE: nude models

hi if ur still looking give me a shout and see what I can do m8

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