United Kingdom Naturist Men

This site is for men (males 18 and over) who are naturists, or are interested in nudism. We meet for dinners, barbeques, movies, or just socialising in members homes for clothing non-optional gatherings. Members also meet through here with fellow members privately, sometimes just meeting during the day as a way to get away from your home and go to anothers for a naked visit. Singles, couples,...

Perth, scotland.

Any body near here and up for meeting for naked time ?

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South Scotland

Anyone around from Ayrshire/Dumfries & Galloway or N. Cumbria interested in meeting up for coffees/walks or whatever??

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Cambs/Beds/Herts Nudist Host

I am always naked at home, so come and join me, all you have to do is ask. W x

Portsmouth Hampshire!

Any guys interested in hanging out?

Southampton and Hampshire

Looking to hang out nude socially . Nude swims, clubs . Anyone know of any groups or clubs for gay or Bi men . Or host groups at their home

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New friends

Hi I'm looking for new nudist friends to hangout with in Yorkshire so if anyone interested then get in touch my skype is yorksmale2000 send a friends request

North bucks.

I am new to this site and have been a naturist for many years now, have enjoyed this lovely warm Summer to be able to get out and about naked. Are there any naked lovers around North Bucks that are interested in meeting up for coffee and chat.

West Yorkshire or anywhere!!!

Leeds based guy early 50's but look younger. Slim, professional. Genuine, easy-going with GSOH. Seeking other naturists for friendship, socialising when restrictions allow. Have been a naturist for about 10 years, having visited beaches, clubs...

Looking for Naked Friends in the Midlands UK

Hello! Looking to make some new friends in the UK Midlands area! New to the site, but would be great to hear from anyone local. Matt

London House Party's

Hi, we are a group of men who enjoy social nudism, we welcome all men who value making friends and communing with other nudists/naturist gay/bi/straight men. Like many male naturist clubs, we struggle with the perception that the group is a sex...

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