United Kingdom Naturist Men

This site is for men (males 18 and over) who are naturists, or are interested in nudism. We meet for dinners, barbeques, movies, or just socialising in members homes for clothing non-optional gatherings. Members also meet through here with fellow members privately, sometimes just meeting during the day as a way to get away from your home and go to anothers for a naked visit. Singles, couples,...


Heya! Always looking to make friends with worldwide nudists. Do you use telegram? It's less clunky than this app ... I have a nudist group (almost 300 members) on there if you fancy? You can join using this link below or search/add me with my...

Merseyside Get-together

Between 6 and 8 naturist friends plan to meet at my home in Wallasey for an evening of social nudity at 7 pm on Saturday 21 January. There would be room for one more, if anyone is interested who has not been on previous occasions. I will provide...

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Merseyside Get-together

Last month, three Merseyside TN members enjoyed a nude evening together at the home of one of us in Liverpool. We plan to do the same again at 7 pm on 22 Oct, this time in Wallasey. Towels, tea & coffee, nibbles provided. Please reply to this...


How are you finding it Matt, any success? I'm in Birmingham, certified, been a member for a long time and a nudist for longer than you've been a live lol

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Man and Men Meets

Social nudist near Cambridge, I love being naked with other naked men both indoors or out, have enjoyed several group meets, if you would like to know more, do get in touch W x

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Day out

Am going to rosebay near peterbro sat happy to pick up on the way if you want

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Basildon area

Any nudist in the Basildon area or am I the only nudist in the village? Lol

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BN Members

Hey guys. I am hoping to connect with some BN members that are doing Nudefest this year. It would be nice to make some connections prior to this Summers' event. Reach out. Say hi. Steve

Worldwide Nudists WhatsApp Group

Hey fellow nudists! I have a nudist WhatsApp group that welcomes nudists from all over the world to join, share experiences and make new connections. If anyone wants to join just drop me a message with your number

UK TN Whatapp group

Im creating UK Whatsapp TN group. If enough demand it may be possible to break it down and make it regional. If interested pm me with your nmbr and I'll add you to the new group. Naked hugs