Vancouver Nudists

Those of us that would prefer that we could just be open and free but live in the Greater Vancouver Area, and go to places like Wreck Beach

Naked Eurovision Party -May 12

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It's time again for the final of the Eurovision Song Contest. This time being broadcast form Lisbon, Portugal. Our naked party was very popular last year, so we'll do it again this year.

This event will be for MEN only and 100% Nude. The location is in Surrey in the area of King George Hwy and 68th Ave.
We'll get together from 11:00am and have a pot luck lunch. Then, at noon, the show starts. We'll all have our own scorecards so that we can compare our results with each other and the official results (which can be very unpredictable!). One of our members did actually predict correctly that Portugal would win.

To preview the songs that are in this years contest go to Note that not all of these songs will be in the final. They will be whittled down to 26 (I think) in the 2 semi-finals in the preceding week.

This topic was edited 7 years ago
  • 7 years ago
RE:Naked Eurovision Party -May 12

What is the general location of this event?

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Naked Eurovision Party -May 12

It's in Surrey, in the area of King George Hwy and 64th Ave. If needed I run a shuttle for up to 5 people from King George Skytrain station there and back.

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  • 7 years ago