Vegan Nudist Living

Communication here involving continuously vegan living, with acknowledging the issues for it, inclusive of animal abuse, for healthier ways for people to eat, having more food made available to people who starve from the produce being used to feed the animals who would be used, and for less effect on the natural environments of our world. And this is with support of our options to be nude when...

Being helpful desirable, animal abuse not

I believe it should be a general practice to help or rescue animals where we happen to be there when they are in need of help or in some trouble they cannot manage themselves. And I think there is something really wrong with animal abuse....

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Like original naturists 100 years ago I just...

I will say I am more like original naturists, from a hundred years ago, more than anyone I yet talk to, being anarchistic and including nudity in going out in nature with anyone, and just eating what food I would have from plants. And I am fully...

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How natural ways are better

We can imagine people nude throughout their world because it is natural to human beings. Clothes are cultural and there are not any among them so natural to human beings. Think that forests and natural environments with no city nearby were the world...

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Eating well

They miss that anything used for food other than what food is right from plants are not needed for the best health from what you eat, at all.

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It is better to be more natural and freer...

Feeding animals to be slaughtered to then feed us takes much more of such farming, and forests are being destroyed for the land for that. That is not better. We do not belong to an artificial world. But we are lost, alienated, and disconnected from...

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Like it was originally

The original naturists were anarchists, and they were mostly what came to be later known as vegan, or at least vegetarian. They separated deliberately from accepted conventions then. Who would do that now? Well, I would, and do, and more. I came to...

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Naturism originally

I found there is a difference and the acceptance is all important and what nudism and naturism are really about, that is, now. There was a lot more to original naturism. The original ones a hundred years ago were pretty much vegan, and anarchistic.

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Dividing is hurtful and better avoided

Groups are not served well with dividing any in it over difference in other areas that are secondary to it, this contributes to fragmentation and is really unnecessary. I found that happening with my defending veganism when I see it misrepresented...

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It is the right way for us to not keep using...

To not have animals arbitrarily distinguished for having some subject to abuse while being used for what they will be slaughtered for, to have a healthier way, and not have more resources used with diminishing natural environments and contributing...

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Original naturist

Naturism used to mean something different that was really distinct, like a hundred years ago. Now there really is a lot of overlap it has with nudism. Original naturists were anarchists and vegan.

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