Vegan Nudist Living

Communication here involving continuously vegan living, with acknowledging the issues for it, inclusive of animal abuse, for healthier ways for people to eat, having more food made available to people who starve from the produce being used to feed the animals who would be used, and for less effect on the natural environments of our world. And this is with support of our options to be nude when...

Eat healthy and live in a sustainable way

I use simple meals, making them for myself. I avoid any animal products and pretty much any processed foods, trying to have what would be the healthiest way of eating, now that I know about it this late in life. I still cook something almost each...

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Eating without ever using animal products is fine and healthy for us, and plenty of people do not understand that but they could with learning about that. Being active enough for exercise to your body still has good value of course. The healthiest...

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More should come to betterment in living

We really should have changes in our world. Besides further acceptance of ourselves and others as we are, with more toleration of our nudity, we could have real betterment with not ever using anything from animals anymore.

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Why going vegan was right

I didn't watch a movie that led me to being vegan. I came to being vegetarian years before being vegan, with information I found showing that having meat was not as healthy for us as avoiding it. But I didn't learn about it being healthier...

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Ways to get past addiction to unhealthy...

You should already know cancer, and other health problems, are linked to animal products. Though I found I don't need the substitutes, and it was just addiction I easily got over, there are now options to substitute for steaks, shrimp, egg,...

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Why I prefer nothing like meat

I am really relieved to choose for not harming animals. I have not had meat for a long time now, and I was not getting meat replacements early on, and don't really miss meat. I do use beans, peas or lentils in meals, or otherwise hummus, and I...

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It is much better to not use anything from...

The most healthy way there is to eat has no animal products included, just be sure to get a good variety of whole foods with a plant-based way of eating, avoiding processed foods. This site is very helpful for that, with information, and desirable...

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Giving up animal products the way I did

When I gave up meat, I didn't use any substitutes for it, I don't think I knew where to find them back then. I was then using beans and peas more. And I gave up other animal products later to be vegan, when I finally saw why that should be...

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Much better being without animal products

There are the reasons to not use animal products anymore. The reasons are really real, and it is much better to change to a healthy way without products from animals. It is not too late, I was no longer young when I switched, and I have heard of...

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What superiority?

Why do humans assume superiority over all other animal species? All we have proved in the name of supremacy is that we can mess up the world.