Vegan Nudist Living

Communication here involving continuously vegan living, with acknowledging the issues for it, inclusive of animal abuse, for healthier ways for people to eat, having more food made available to people who starve from the produce being used to feed the animals who would be used, and for less effect on the natural environments of our world. And this is with support of our options to be nude when...

Making it work well

When I was going to go from being vegetarian to being vegan, I went to a pizza place where I heard plant-based pizza was available, or maybe it was made known as vegan pizza, with daiya cheese. I wanted to be sure I could have pizza that was about...

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Overwhelming reason to choose to not have...

I don't understand any of those who think there are good reasons to not be vegan. When I learned of the issues, which involve resources being used, and what is done to animals in the industries using them, all of them, and that there is more...

There are things about it being better to...

Eating meat and animal products involves intrusive violence, to animals used along with some to workers there. We really don't need the things from animals, it is terrible to keep up use of them, with our demand for those. Not all ways for...

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Finding what is best is desirable

I came to having whole food from plants and was generally avoiding processed foods, since I found the Forks Over Knives way over seven years ago now. I would say from my experience it is working and I probably am in better shape than I would have...

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It would not be of any interest to me

I know there are people who would have lab grown meat. It will not affect me at all. I have many reasons to just eat foods from plants and I seek to have all whole foods from plants. I am not going to have what is grown in a lab just to have meat,...

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whole food healthiness

Processed foods seeming to be vegan are not all reliably vegan, I find, but it is not hard for me to have everything vegan with having whole foods, which is healthier anyway, so I buy almost entirely of those, almost all being from produce. Animal...

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See Through Vegan Eyes The hand grasps for self While at expense of others Harm from selfishness The most revolutionary thing I came to was discovering the whole food plant-based way and how healthy it is, avoiding many serious issues to...

There is the healthiest way

My understanding of keto (ketosis) is that it is relatively unproven in comparison to the good results doctors know about from studies with whole food plant-based ways of eating.

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I don't know why others won't be...

I only was not vegan earlier than I was with not already having the information communicated to me that was when I was led then to be vegan. I had no resistance to it myself that helps me understand others' resistance. And I try detaching...

I know regardless of others I need to choose...

I see people everywhere continue using what they can get from animal agriculture regardless of connection it has to species extinctions, loss of natural environmentand as more resources are used for it, and the contribution to climate change,...

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