Vegan Nudist Living

Communication here involving continuously vegan living, with acknowledging the issues for it, inclusive of animal abuse, for healthier ways for people to eat, having more food made available to people who starve from the produce being used to feed the animals who would be used, and for less effect on the natural environments of our world. And this is with support of our options to be nude when...

Changing for the sentient animals should not...

Sentient means conscious of or responsive to the sensations of seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, or smelling. Simply put, sentient means the ability to have feelings. Its the capacity to experience sensations and emotions. Animals any among us use...

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Being vegan can be for any

I care about animals generally, not just pets which get the favored attention. That's what there should be from people. I have been vegan just about ten years, and I was going without getting meat from animals as a vegetarian for maybe half a...

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Why not change?

I think it is pretty hard to understand people who would not stop eating what animals were used for no matter what.

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How it is better for us

I eat vegan and just whole foods, and it would be the perfect way for any of us, doctors with studies show it, and have people reverse serious issues, and cancers, heart attacks and strokes, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes type 2...

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Betterment with many reasons to not use...

It is much better for us to give up meat from animals and other products from them. Those are not better for our health and well-being, our demand for them has animals kept in bad conditions with all their suffering that ends just with slaughter,...

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Deceptive of the company

I saw this brand Brave Robot promoted as ice cream without the use of animals on Facebook. Based on that I went to buy it, but never saw it in the store. I made a purchase of a number of things, and mentioned I wanted to find this brand, to buy it....

Better for me

I have lost others most important in my life, I live more isolated especially since COVID became an issue, needing to be careful with my conditions. But I benefit from my choices including whole food all from plants, as I do with nudity among...

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The logic for basis

1. Causing needless suffering and environmental harm is wrong. 2. Producing animal products causes suffering and environmental harm. 3. Animal products are unnecessary (for health, etc.) Do you see the conclusion to the logic?

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Why not choose healthier?

I know there is a way with eating the right way that works effectively against cancer. Avoid processed foods along with no longer having animal products. Avoid adding sugar, salt, and oil too. I see the problem is that there remains the question who...

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More important to not still have animal...

There are the health problems with use of animal products still being had, and use of animals that are subject to what they are violates any sense of animal cruelty being wrong if we have a conscience that would be sensitive to that, it takes way...

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