Vegan Nudist Living

Communication here involving continuously vegan living, with acknowledging the issues for it, inclusive of animal abuse, for healthier ways for people to eat, having more food made available to people who starve from the produce being used to feed the animals who would be used, and for less effect on the natural environments of our world. And this is with support of our options to be nude when...

Being vegan is the only reasonable way

People who don't want to be vegan just don't want to know reasons why they should be vegan, they don't care to be more aware. And even I never planned to be vegan, but changed for that when I came to be aware of those things. It's...

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Healthy eating doesn't need to be...

Where I am, I still pay more for the milk that I choose, which is nondairy. At least with buying whole foods for almost all of what I get it balances out to be more affordable, though certainly I wish nondairy milk would not cost that much more. And...

Needed change includes change to vegan living

"Once you go Vegan, everything changes. Until you go Vegan, nothing changes." -Francione I am not needing weight loss. I eat just food derived from plants. Some people choose to eat vegan meals for weight loss, but there are many other...

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We who are knowing to not use animal...

More should come to awareness that is lacking in general to turn from animal products. We who are vegan now are still a small minority, fewer are like how I am, I still only eat food actually from plants continuously. It is along with important...

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The objectionable reality of animal...

There are some ranchers, knowing the reality of the business of using animals in agriculture, who quit from that and became vegan, turning to alternative work with their land instead of using animals on it still. More should come to awareness that...

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Betterment in the Reasons

Everyone should know the reasons to be vegan and not use any products from animals. All animals being used, those of land or of sea, are sentient, feeling the abuse to them while captive without escape possible and being killed while in terror....

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A vegan way of living can be with what's...

We can work at growing all the variety of vegetation for food and materials possible, to have in place of what we might have from what's available from modern urban civilization, and live simply, for having needed sustainability. It would be...

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We can each choose our way while there are...

I don't hold anything against those who are vegan who do use meat and cheese plant-based alternatives, I speak just my own experience that getting over anything like animal products is possible, and earlier I liked them just as much. But...

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Not as good with having anything from animals

There is no humane way had with raising animals and taking anything from them for use. There is a generally healthy way with having food from plants, and serious issues to us and our world with animal agriculture, besides the horrible use of...

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We would not be so bad not having products...

One of the best parts about eating vegan is I can watch videos of how my food is processed and there are no warnings stating graphic images that may be disturbing like the animal processing videos. It is horrible what is done to billions and...

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