Vegetarian, Vegan And Wanabees

A place to exchange recipes and ideas.

Southern CA Veggies...

Hi all! Just wondering if there are other veggie-minded members here in OC/IE/LA? It would be great to get together with others for pot-lucks/recipe exchange/whatever...

Adapting recipes

Do you ever adapt non-vegetarian recipes to make a vegatarian or vegan version? Here is a low-fat, low-glycemic, vegan version I made of Souper Salad's Fettucine Corn Salad recipe: Fettuccine Corn Salad Ingredients 16 oz. Whole Wheat...

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Ethical vegetarianism / ethical meat eating...

Just ran across a nice series of essays in The Ethicist section of the New York Times online on the ethics of meat-eating. I'm a committed vegetarian, and not thinking about changing that, but it's a nice set of perspectives. I talked last...

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Vegetarian/Nudist Cookbook

Sharon Picone has a new e-book out, called "Super, Sexy, Salads", it is very well presented... Check it out on her website, The Nude Chef (, I rate it 10 out of 10... Anyhow, it's Vegetarian AND Nudist...

Milk... Why you should not drink it!

Milk... Why you should not drink it! Just stumbled on this and it sparked my interest. Don't just read the article, read on though the comments as well. It seems to...

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Looking for herb recipes

Our biggest-selling herb product after basil is the parsley-sage-rosemary-thyme mix for Thanksgiving turkey stuffing. Kinda galling that our all-veg farm ends up supporting Turkey Day :( I'm looking for fit-on-a-tag simple recipe suggestions...

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The following members have been expelled from the Vegetarian group for joining and therefore condoning, one or more inappropriate groups. If either of them are on your friends list, you may want to reconsider your friendship as they are clearly a...

Easter Recipe - Your Local Specials?

This is a favourite Easter Fri dish localy along with Calentita which I will post soon - Torta Acelga Two bunches of acelga/spinach. Eight eggs Grated cheese at least 400 grams best if two kinds mixed eg. edam and cheddar 3-4 cloves of garlic grated...

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Rule Amendment Announcement.

Just wanted to point out to everyone, that mainly in response to the recent increase in the number of Inappropriate groups being created, but also as a deterrent, for any type of distasteful behaviour, I and a few others, have been adding this...

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Squash / Peanut combo

we have lots of squash right now. Steamed winter squash or pumpkin, blended up with raw peanuts (parboiled and soaked to soften them), makes a great combo. We boil hot red peppers, cinnamon stick, allspice with the peanuts, and reserve the water for...

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