Vegetarian, Vegan And Wanabees

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Easter Recipe - Your Local Specials?

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This is a favourite Easter Fri dish localy along with Calentita which I will post soon - Torta Acelga
Two bunches of acelga/spinach.
Eight eggs
Grated cheese at least 400 grams best if two kinds mixed eg. edam and cheddar
3-4 cloves of garlic grated
Fresh Parsley
2-3 tablespoons olive oil
Shortcrust pastry
Soak spinach leaves in boiling water for a few minutes. Squeeze excess water out and leave overnight in a colander to drain. Mix throughly with the rest of the ingredients. Grease a rectangular dish and line with pastry. Put mixture and cover with pastry. Brush with beaten egg or milk. Place in moderate oven for approximately 50 mins. Leave to cool - And enjoy.
A couple more eggs and cheese if this is going to be the centre dish of a meal don't hurt but if this is an accomaniment or snack its good to go.
Make sure you rinse the acelga/spinach well to remove any grit.

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