Vegetarian, Vegan And Wanabees

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Man enough to be compassionate!

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I became a vegetarian, as the next level of my evolution or progress in living a spiritual life. For me it's not about "MY HEALTH" which is the concern of many who choose vegetarianism, but to practice non-violence (not killing animals) and compassion towards other living creatures. I have to admit I still eat fish, which means I'm still a work in progress. I wish I could be vegan someday, but I think if you use organic milk products with humanely treated animals, you're OK. It's only a problem with milk products when animals are mis-treated, and/or injected with hormunes or other drugs to increase production or profitability. You fight greed when you stop using these products and I guarentee you will feel better and your life gets better as you reduce your bad Karma. I hope I don't sound like I'm lecturing, when I use the word YOU, I mean in general and speak only from my own experience. Peace and blessings to all; Naturist9

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