Vegetarian, Vegan And Wanabees

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Vegetarian/Nudist Cookbook

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Sharon Picone has a new e-book out, called "Super, Sexy, Salads", it is very well presented... Check it out on her website, The Nude Chef (, I rate it 10 out of 10... Anyhow, it's Vegetarian AND Nudist...

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RE: Vegetarian/Nudist Cookbook

Sharon Picone has a new e-book out, called "Super, Sexy, Salads", it is very well presented... Check it out on her website, The Nude Chef (, I rate it 10 out of 10... Anyhow, it's Vegetarian AND Nudist...
Ooops! did I miss this?

Thanks for the info

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RE: Vegetarian/Nudist Cookbook

Holy cow! I was checking out the website and drooling. Those dishes look amazing!

I almost wish I didn't have to go through all the effort cooking. :P

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