Vegetarian, Vegan And Wanabees

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Vegetarian Labelling in your Country!

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What is vegetarian labelling like in your country?

In England vegetaria labelling is excellent.

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RE: Vegetarian Labelling in your Country!

In the US, rather dishonest. "natural flavor" hides a multitude of sins (like tallow in McDonalds' vegetable-oil-fried french fries!), and some things, such as tallow used to "wax" fruit, need not be declared. I rely on the kosher markings, which are much more reliable than the government labels for processed foods. (There are over 100 certifying agencies, most of them reliable; it helps to know the main ones. A plain "K" is almost certainly evidence of cheating, since the maker hasn't been able to get a real agency's mark. Example: planters dry-roasted peanuts, plain-K kosher, but made with gelatin.)

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