This is a forum to bring in all nudists of Washington state together..

Coming to the Seattle area in August. Where do the nudists hangout in the summer?

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You have a few options:

Denny-Blaine Park/Beach - mixed crowd. If you'll have a rental car, you'll need to park farther away as this place gets quite crowded throughout summer.

Howell Park/Beach - about a quarter mile south of Denny-Blaine. This crowd is typically made up primarily of gay males.

Beach North of Point Wells Oil Terminal - this is in a totally separate area of town - i.e. off of Puget Sound. I have never been but understand that this crowd is typically made up primarily of gay males. I've also heard this beach is a bit more risky to get to because you have to cross railroad tracks on foot and the rail-line can actually get busy at times.

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