Way2live (nudism Tour)
we are tour company , we deals with nudism special tours in india we focus on enhance nudist experience when they r on vacation with us. we design spiritual, romantic nudism tours for international as well as national tourists.
Tantra camp , organized by Way2live, west bengal , Kolkata, India
Return to DiscussionsWay2live Tantra camp !!!!!!!
Wooooooooooooooo! in West bengal , ! Ammmmmazzzinggggggg. An Exotic
Spiritual & Sensual Experience for lifetime.
Venue: West Bengal ( 11 November to 14 november )
About: The term TANTRA comes from the union
of the root word TAN, meaning "To extend, to expand," and the suffix
TRA, referring to an instrument. Tantra, therefore, is an instrument for
the expansion of ordinary consciousness in order to access the root of
the self as well as the unknown Potential that it may be possible to use
and awaken.
................without suppressing our need for
physical attachment, we transform that need toward love and attachment
for that which is beyond the physical body. You expand our egos need
for attachment by opening our fragrant heart of Bhakti.
channel our desires toward the deep waters of love, and let them merge
in the ocean of bliss. Through the alchemy of Bhakti, we turn our ego
inward. And we do that by envisioning and ultimately experiencing Cosmic
Consciousness within the sensory world.
We do that by
transforming physical attachments to spiritual attachments, from a
feeling of I need or I want you to a feeling of I am in love with the
Divine in you. That inward process is the alchemy of tantric love.
During sexual intercourse, we awaken in our spiritual heart the feeling
that our partner is an expression of Cosmic Consciousness, of God or of
Goddess. For the world of form is nothing but the cosmic play of
In other words, tantric sex is to feel or
experience your partner and the act itself as a wave of Cosmic Divinity.
Beyond technique, it is a state of being, an expression of your
spiritual embrace in oneness and love. So, yes, tantra is both about sex
and enlightenment. Indeed, tantra is the yoga of everything. Because in
tantra, everything is sacred.
Tantrik Massage----
from the Sanskrit root word tan, translates to expand, manifest, show or
put forth. Tantra massage sets out to unwrinkle blocked energy
throughout the body and awaken the Kundalini, a mythological energy that
lies in rest at the base of the spine. When the Kundalini rises from
its restful state, it spreads out along the spine and precipitates
healing throughout the body.
We at Way2Live, strive to infuse
this awakening elicited out from subconscious to the conscious,
perceivable purview of those who join us at Tantra Camps. Welcome to the
world of Spiritual Enlightment with Sensual Ecstasy.
Focus of the camp:
1. The 360 degree Freedom of Mind and Body
2. Visual yoga
4. Trataka meditation
5. Tantrik massage
7. Awakening pleasure in Sacred Temple.
8. Help each other to awaken spiritually, sexually & stay healthy, vigorous, and vibrant for as long as you live
9. Harness your inner potential Kundalini energy to create your reality you wish
10. Special mystic spiritual practice on Nad (sound).
8. Prepare yourself; make it happen, right within you.
9. Taught to dig deep into Yoga Nidra, the process of achieving heightened meditation position during your sleep.
Facilities: Staying in Eco friendly resort
Single sharing luxurious roo
Spa and massage in Traditional Indian therapy.
Way2live, kolkata, West Bengal
Office contact no---09831177519
- 10 years ago