Werrong Beach Nudists
Anyone who likes to go to Werrong beach at Otford, (near Wollongong NSW)Who goes there?, when do you go? do you strip off at the top or just on the beach?
Werrong track is closed
Return to DiscussionsWerrong beach still unaccessible. The track is closed...i went to check it out...first 2/3 ok then trees across tracks and plenty of water on track...the way down to the beach has been washed away , now replaced by a 20+ meters drop. Last 150 / 200 meters of the hill is UNSTABLE! and detaching from the rest of the hill! The detachment crack is obvious. IT S A REAL HAZARD! someone has installed a rope to go down but it is on the unstable zone. I do not recommend stepping in that zone, it could go at anytime
- 3 years ago
Is the track ok now?
- 2 years ago
Any update on the track?
NPWS website hasn't changed the track closure advisory in years!
- a year ago