White Tail Resort

Lovers of White Tail resort In Ivor VA

Nude 5K - June 27

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Hey all...if you're interested consider signing up for the Nude 5K at Whitetail on June 27th.

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RE: Nude 5K - June 27

The run is tomorrow. There is still time to sign up tonight. :-) See you there!!

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RE: Nude 5K - June 27

I'm late updating but what a fun time! Looks like there were about 80 runners Saturday. All ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities. I finished at 35 minutes 40 seconds which wasn't my best but not too bad. The fastest person did 5k in 18 minutes. There was a group of three 20-something guys right behind him. I met and talked with a few people who appeared to be new to White Tail. One was a police officer and his wife/girlfriend from Roanoke. They were a 30-something couple, very friendly, and seemed to be having a great time. I wasn't able to stay for pool time after due to some other commitments but I'm glad I went and I encourage you all to consider next year's run (you can walk too).

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RE: Nude 5K - June 27

I ran the 5K at White Tail as well and agree it was great. The course was basically 3 loops around the residential areas with a short piece of each loop in the woods. There were many residents cheering us on. I finished 54th at between 36 and 37 minutes. Afterwards I stayed most of the afternoon at the pool. It threatened to rain but never did - sunny most of the afternoon until storms later when I was driving back to Norfolk. Excellent facilities and all were very friendly. I definitely plan on doing it again next year!

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