Wii U

Nudists who like the Wii U talk about the Wii u and its games

which games do you own ?

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Games I own this far are:
assassin's creed 3
new super mario bros. U
pikmin 3

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RE: which games do you own ?

I got my Wii U at launch so here goes;ZombiU, Batman: Arkham City, Nintendoland, Assasins' Creed 3, The Cave, Darksiders 2, Trine 2, Lego City: Undercover, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Pikmin 3, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Batman: Arkham Origins, Super Mario 3D World, Lego Marvel Superheroes and I'm currently playing Scribblenauts Unlimited. There are also a few more on my wish list so whoever says there are no good games on the Wii U don't know what they're talking about.

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RE: which games do you own ?

my list has gone a little bigger.
I also own super mario 3d world and mario kart 8

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RE: which games do you own ?

For my wii u I have: New Super Mario Bros. U, The legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD, Super Mario 3D world, ZombiU, Nintendoland, Mario Kart 8, and Epic Mickey 2. I also plan to get Super Smash Bros. , Hyrule Warriors (which I know is currently out), and Bayonetta for my Wii U as well.

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