Wnbr - World Nude Bike Ride
For anyone who has been in any of the WNBR rides or would like to be.
Post any information you want to share about your 2016 ride event... maybe you will encourage someone else to join a ride in the future :-)
Hello bike riding nudies, can anyone confirm the date of 2023's ride at Byron Bay in Australia please? Seems difficult to find info on it.
I done the London naked bike ride about 10 years ago, it was good until we got to around Covent garden, then everything bottle necked and was just sitting there queuing up and had a lot of people staring and laughing . When we got to the finish line...
Was wicked fun, thanks to all who took part, fabulous weather.
I did my first ride last Saturday. Only 91 riders so fairly intimate! Great fun and highly recommended. Anyone else from this site there?
Last night was the WNBR in Chicago. I've wanted to do the ride for several years, and this year I finally did it. I had a little incident early on in the ride (skinned my arm on a concrete wall while avoiding a collision with another cyclist),...
Boston's version of the World Naked Bike Ride happens this year on July 20. Really nice, fun ride through Boston and some of Cambridge, too. Smaller ride compared to huge rides in Philadelphia and elsewhere, with more chances to get to know the...
Hi Riders, I hit the Nimbin and Byron Bay rides in New South Wales, Australia as often as my work schedule permits. I've done four in Nimbin and three in Byron Bay and had a blast each time. I mean, when are you going to get a better chance to...
Anybody else in UK doing Cardiff WNBR today lol
Wow! What a great day! Weather was perfect, crowd was great both participants and onlookers. Great course mostly flat what hills there were were not severe. Had a great day biking 12 miles stark naked w about 1200+ other nudists through center city...