Women In Skimpy Clothes

Since most people can't go nude all of the time, it is nice that skimpy clothes are available for ladies such as bikinis and skirts for ladies.

My wife is not a nudist like I am but does wear skimpy clothes at times. She has flashed her breasts at the neighbor when he was doing his roof so she's not a prude and has been in the pool and got out naked and could be seen by the neighbors who don't care anyway but getting back to skimpy clothes. Walmart sells Faded Glory clothes and my wife purchased some tops that are so thin you can see right through them real easy. I always tell her not to wear a bra so anyone can see her breasts.We have some friends who we have skinny dipped with and the husbands name is Mike and he always stares at my wife's cleavage and I tease him about it so I told her when he is around to wear these tops and I call them Mikey tops. Charlie

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RE:Skimpy clothes


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RE:Skimpy clothes

My wife is not a nudist like I am but does wear skimpy clothes at times. She has flashed her breasts at the neighbor when he was doing his roof so she's not a prude and has been in the pool and got out naked and could be seen by the neighbors who don't care anyway but getting back to skimpy clothes. Walmart sells Faded Glory clothes and my wife purchased some tops that are so thin you can see right through them real easy. I always tell her not to wear a bra so anyone can see her breasts.We have some friends who we have skinny dipped with and the husbands name is Mike and he always stares at my wife's cleavage and I tease him about it so I told her when he is around to wear these tops and I call them Mikey tops. Charlie

Cool. I love women who where thong bikinis love that your wife is adventurous

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RE:Skimpy clothes

My first wife was also not a nudist but could get pretty naughty at times. She wore a number of different outfits that were nothing short of scandalous. One of her favorites was caftan made of unbleached and undyed muslin. It was loose, had large sleeve openings, and in bright sun was almost transparent. Certainly sheer enough that you could see the shadow of her pubic hair when the light was right. If she leaned forward both breasts were exposed and if she reached up to a shelf in a store one breast could be seen through the sleeve opening. She wore it as a single item with no bra or panties underneath.

She also liked halter tops and would tie them loosely leaving very little to the imagination. If not a halter top then she sometimes wore a shirt tied at the waist with no buttons buttoned.

She usually only flashed her breasts but sometimes when we were out at a club or such she would let (make?) her skirt ride up. That, coupled with the fact that she would not be wearing panties, gave some excellent opportunities for beaver shots.

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RE:Skimpy clothes

My wife tends to generally be more modest, however she likes light-and-loose dresses in warm weather for wearing around the house and perhaps a quick dash to the shops. The shortest one is fine until she unconsciously bends to weed the garden. A slightly longer one is a knit fabric, which always flows nicely over the body.

She also has a long nightie that is sheer expect for a woven floral pattern. A casual glance shows nothing, but a closer inspection subtly reveals the details beneath.

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RE:Skimpy clothes

My wife tends to generally be more modest, however she likes light-and-loose dresses in warm weather for wearing around the house and perhaps a quick dash to the shops. The shortest one is fine until she unconsciously bends to weed the garden. A slightly longer one is a knit fabric, which always flows nicely over the body.She also has a long nightie that is sheer expect for a woven floral pattern. A casual glance shows nothing, but a closer inspection subtly reveals the details beneath.

My wife sometimes wore sheer nighties when she was younger and thinner, but no longer does.

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