Woodlot Nudist Retreat Friends
This group is for people who enjoy Woodlot Nudist Retreat in Woodstock.
Return to DiscussionsAndy, aka, asap59 has been stalking me for over a year now. I met him at
Woodlot about 3 years ago when I was there with my husband.
After my husband and I physically separated this man pursued
my friendship and more. After many times showing his
untrustworthiness I told him I did not want him to contact me
anymore. He has been to my home uninvited, made numerous
attempts to interact with me via phone/social media. I have
repeatedly blocked him and he continues, as of late posting my name
and slandering, saying I would love a local swingers club in this
forum. A few days later he posted my cell phone number!
I noticed he took down threads, probably after the police
officer spoke with him, telling him if he had any contact with me,
made any attempts by any means, used my name, username, or number
again... HE WOULD BE ARRESTED. If anyone sees my name or
number being used I would appreciate you contacting me immediately
via pm. Thank you for your help. May we all be
able to enjoy our freedoms with respect and dignity.
- 10 years ago