Working Naked

Hi i am looking for work at the moment and wondered if anyone else was or if anyone new of any work going, possibley naked too. Any idears lets chat. Have a good one Mike

Working holiday in France

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We live nude all the time in a large and beautiful house, which always needs work done on it. For 25 years we've been offering comfortable accommodation, fine food and wine (my wife also has a restaurant in Thailand and is justly proud of her cooking) and company in return for some DIY help with the house. We used to advertise for this in BN magazine (but this forum now looks more promising) and made some good friends who came back repeatedly over the years. Our house is near Foix in the foothills of the Pyrenees. It is surrounded by its own seven hectares of garden and field, all shielded from view by hedges and trees. This offer is designed for any genuine naturist with at least basic DIY skills (painting is most needed this year) who would like a naturist holiday in July, August or September that would be free apart from travel (our nearest airports are Carcassonne and Toulouse and often have very cheap flights). We are an English/Thai couple aged 61 and 53 with four grown-up children, of whom the youngest (18) is usually at home and the others sometimes visit. (Just because a few have occasionally replied to our offer before, I had better add, just to avoid mutual disappointment, that this is not for swingers.) Please e-mail Jeremy at if you are interested.

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